Author: Natural Journal (Natural Journal)

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Does Losing a Pet Hurt More Than Losing a Family Member?

Does Losing a Pet Hurt More Than Losing a Family Member?

As every pet owner will tell you, pets are family members. We nurture them, teach them how to behave, watch them grow, and finally, we grieve for them. Ask anyone who’s lost a pet how they felt after saying goodbye to their beloved companions and they’ll tell you that the grief is real and it’s...

Why You Should Never Regret Being a Good Person

Why You Should Never Regret Being a Good Person

If you always go out of your way to help others, you’ve probably wondered if being that nice is really worth it. Let’s be honest, being a good person doesn’t always work out in your favor. Especially in this day and age when narcissism thrives and selfish people seem to have it better than those...

Is Gratitude The Key To Happiness? Neuroscience Says So!

Is Gratitude The Key To Happiness? Neuroscience Says So!

The poet Rumi once wrote, “Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.” Being grateful for what you have, instead of worrying about what you don’t have is one of the crucial ingredients of happiness. Gratitude is one of the most empowering feelings human beings can experience. No other...

Using Cilantro To Detox From Heavy Metals

Using Cilantro To Detox From Heavy Metals

Cilantro or coriander, as it’s also known, is an annual herb in the parsley family with a history that goes back thousands of years. Even King Tut asked for cilantro seeds to be scattered in his tomb so he would have enough of this fragrant herb in the afterlife! Originally from the Mediterranean region, cilantro...

Hate The Sound Of Chewing? You Could Be a Genius!

Hate The Sound Of Chewing? You Could Be a Genius!

A lot of us find the sound of chewing as grating as nails on a chalkboard. But for some people, hearing someone slurp or crunch their food sends them into a genuine panic mode.  These people suffer from a disorder called misophonia, which causes them to have an abnormally intense emotional reaction to certain sounds,...

Glyphosate: The Real Culprit Behind ‘Gluten Intolerance’

Glyphosate: The Real Culprit Behind ‘Gluten Intolerance’

Celiac disease and gluten intolerance have been known to humanity since ancient times. Something strange, however, has been happening over the past decade in North America. The incidence of gluten-related disorders has been increasing dramatically. The problem became apparent when Americans with gluten sensitivity started noticing they could eat wheat products overseas without experiencing the...

How to Grow Adorable (And Superhealthy) Cucamelons

How to Grow Adorable (And Superhealthy) Cucamelons

They look like miniature watermelons, but they’re not. They taste like a mix of cucumber and lime, but they’re neither one of those. They’re Melothria scabra, otherwise known as cucamelons. Native to Mexico and Central America, cucamelon is a type of vine that packs a lot of taste in its grape-size fruit. Besides being delicious,...

Walking Every Day Can Do Wonders For Your Body

Walking Every Day Can Do Wonders For Your Body

When it comes to health and fitness, the simplest solutions are often the best ones. You don’t need to join a fancy gym or buy expensive workout equipment to boost your health and get in shape. In fact, all you need to do is start walking more each day. Walking is free, easy, and offers...

How Indoor Plants Can Help Women Live Longer

How Indoor Plants Can Help Women Live Longer

You already know that you should eat your greens, but did you know that even just being surrounded by plants can greatly improve your physical and mental wellbeing? Plants prolong your life According to a study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, women whose homes are surrounded by...

Is Intelligence Really Inherited From The Mother?

Is Intelligence Really Inherited From The Mother?

The idea that intelligence is inherited only from the mother has been going viral for a while and it all started with a blog post published on Psychology Spot. The problem with this blog post is that it doesn’t just make wrong claims about genetics and intelligence, but it also cites outdated research papers and...